Hello and Welcome!
Let us help you find the property that is right for your needs! If you are looking for housing, business, or investment purposes we hope you can use the information here as a place to start your real estate search.

No web site can replace the hands on help of a professional REALTOR. We’ve included several ways to make it easy to contact us for assistance. There are links to all of the listings for sale in Sioux Center, which we are available to show you at anytime. Sit back, get comfortable, and enjoy the photo trip through the properties we have featured!
Whether buying or selling a home the real estate transaction is a major event in your life! We respect that and will serve you with integrity and consideration for your needs.
CASUAL ATMOSPHERE….PROFESSIONAL SERVICE! Come to our office and visit with us soon! We look forward to meeting you!
We focus on real estate in the following areas:
- Homes
- Acreages
- Commercial Properties
- Farmland
- Investment Properties
- Rental Housing Assistance